11 Awesome Patreon About Examples

Need an intro to wow! your Patreon visitors and compel them to become a patron?

Feeling like your Patreon intro and about sections needs a little work?

Or just have no idea how to write one?

Then read on as I explain what makes a great About introduction and showcase some awesome examples of Patreon pages that rocks the Casbah when it comes to intros.

The Importance of Patreon’s About Section

But just before we get to all that, I do want to stress the importance of the About section.

Like Patreon says, the About section the first thing someone will see when they visit your page.

You have about 3-5 seconds to grab their attention and keep them reading when they first see your page – so make sure you put your best foot forward.

Whether that’s via text, image or video – or all three.

You have 3-5 seconds to grab someone's attention when they hit your Patreon page - make it count Click To Tweet

What makes a great Patreon About intro?

Having looked at a lot of intros for this article (and just generally) I have noticed some patterns that emerge.

I want to walk you through some of these.

Number 1: You need to let people know what Patreon is

This is super important as most people have never heard of Patreon, and will have no real understanding of how it works.

Number 2: Tell people what you actually do

You need to let people know what you create!

People who visit your page may already have an idea about what you do, but you need to reinforce this.

Number 3: Tell people what they get in return for their support

Give visitors’ an understanding of what they can receive if they support you – don’t leave this just to your support tiers.

Number 4: You should let people know what the money will be used for

If you are up-front and honest about what you will using the money for people are more likely to support you.

And you need to do all this while being precise and succinct.

A great way to manage all this is be using multiple mediums.

There are three mediums you can use –  text, images, and video.

By using these together you will capture the attention of almost everyone who visits your Patreon page – whether they prefer to read, see your images, or watch a video.

Using Video

Video is a powerful way to convey your message.

It allows people to see who you really are and to relate to you more easily.

But you don’t have to have a video.

While a lot of the Patreon pages showcased below use video, you can still have an awesome and compelling Patreon page without it.

And at the end of the day, a person needs to click the video in order to see what’s on it. Text and images are just there to be read and seen, respectively.

This gives images and text a great advantage over video – one less action for the visit to take.

Using Images

Images should showcase what you do.

If you are a photographer, showcase your work!

If you are a graphic artist, incorporate this into your intro somehow – maybe tell your story graphically.

This is especially easy if you create comic strips or cartoons.

Images can also be use to back up the text, and to create noticeable headers.

If you want to use images, but you lack the expertise, you can always sites like Fiverr to get someone create your images for you.

Or, if you are game, you can start playing around with a tool like Canva to create the images yourself.

Using Text

When using text make sure you use headings.

And have these stand out.

A coloured background is a great example of this.

Also, keep your paragraphs short.

People scan and skip read when online, so don’t expect people to read every single word.

Also, use dot points. They are effective when you have a list of things you want to tell the reader about. Like a list of content you produce, for example.

That gives you a little taste of the how.

Now have a look at some examples of some awesome Patreon pages that should give you some ideas and inspire you!

Examples of Great About Sections

Below are some great examples of About introductions from some quite successful Patreon pages.

Patreon Pages with an Image Focus

Little Pink Pebbles

Little Pink Pebble Patreon Page
The Little Pink Pebble Patreon page uses images to tell visitors what she does

Why is it Good?

  • The comic strip easily showcases her art with humour, at the same time  explains a lot about who she is and what she does
  • It is super clear and easy to read and take in quickly
  • This introduction to the page easily passes the “scan test” – where someone could scan it quickly and still understand what it’s all about
  • The best thing about this About section is it’s part of a theme throughout the Patreon page – the theme being about boxes she is living in (and wants to live in)

OSW Review

OSW Review's Patreon Page
OSW Review uses a combination of text, images, and video to great effect

Why is it Good?

  • Uses a combo of images, text and video to great effect – all bases are covered
  • Despite the blockiness of the text (something I would recommend against) the copy is easy enough to read
  • It tells you exactly what you get simply and clearly
  • This is obviously a team effort and it intros the creators simply but effectively
  • OSW uses humour to great effect in their video

Sylvie Muay

Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu's Patreon Page
Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu uses mostly text, but her use of the single image is powerful

Why is it Good?

  • Gives good details of what your money will be used for
  • Gives you links to her content so you can see what she is doing
  • Tells you in detail what she has created so far – the use of the graphic for this makes it easy to read and understand
  • Let’s you know what it is she creates
  • Tells you what is coming next – a book
  • Let’s you know why you should support her
  • While the text is a little blocky, she has a good use of headings
  • Finally, she offers you another way to support her if you think Patreon isn’t for you

Patreon Pages with a Text Focus

Extra Credits

Extra Credit's Patreon Page
Extra Credit uses video and images together for great effect

Why is it Good?

  • A great use of headers
  • It’s super easy to read
  • A stellar use of video + image
  • Uses a call-to-action button to give readers a prompt
  • Uses testimonials, which gives the reader social proof that others have enjoyed their content
  • Tells you in detail what Patreon is and what you will get if you support them

Nate Maingard

Nate Maingard's Patreon Page
Nate Maingard uses text beautifully – so much so it makes you want to watch the video

Why is it Good?

  • Nate uses headers beautifully – they are eye-catching and specific
  • He describes quickly how it all works, what Patreon is and who he is, and why he loves Patreon so much
  • He uses dot points throughout, which allows for much easier reading
  • Uses the video as supplementary material and as favour for those wanting to watch it
  • The text is used in such a way that you want to watch the video, drawing you in further

One You Feed

Eric Zimmer's The One You Feed Patreon Page
Eric Zimmer’s The One You Feed only uses text but it’s short and to the point

Why is it Good?

  • Eric gets to the point quickly – straight from the beginning
  • He links to their website so you can find out more if you want to
  • Tells you straight up what this is all about
  • Give you their history in a nutshell so you know where they are coming from
  • They also outline why they need your support
  • And they have clear links to their material

Patreon Pages with a Video Focus

The Great War

Indy Neidell's The Great War on Patreon
Indy Neidell’s The Great War has spent time & effort on a great intro video

Why is it Good?

  • The video has really high production value, which gives you an insight into the quality of his work
  • Really good use of music on the video back this up
  • It gets to the point quickly
  • He keeps it short
  • Uses dot points through the text – which is easy to scan and read

Philip DeFranco

Philip DeFranco's Patreon Page
Philip DeFranco uses the video to showcase his personality and genuineness

Why is it Good?

  • Philip is authentic, while being humble
  • He is clear and precise with the information he imparts – he tells you what they are doing is one short sentence
  • It helps that he is a personable guy
  • Tells you who he is, what they plan to do, and what they will do with the money
  • And finally, he offers up a freebie as a thanks

Amanda Palmer

Amanda Palmer's Patreon Page
Amanda Palmer uses video to easily explain what she is doing and what you can expect if you support her

Why is it Good?

  • The video clearly shows her eclectic style
  • Amanda uses her video to perfectly communicates what she has done
  • She shows what she will do with the money
  • Easily explains what Patreon is
  • The music (which I am assuming is her own) is uplifting and perfectly used
  • She sets expectations upfront so you know what you will get (or not) when you support her

Crash Course

Crash Course's Patreon Page
Crash Course uses it’s extensive video expertise to show people what they are good at

Why is it Good?

  • They give an example of their work
  • Tells you up front who their content is for
  • They let you in on their mission – something you can be a part of
  • Uses humour to keep your attention
  • They give you insight on what your money will be used for
  • And they are entirely relatable


Stepanka's Patreon Page
Stepanka uses her video to showcase what exactly she is about

Why is it Good?

  • Despite what you think about her content, she is up-front about it
  • She pokes fun at herself
  • She seems highly approachable
  • She beautifully explains what Patreon is
  • Explains what you get in detail
  • And more importantly, explains what it isn’t – “no pressure or begging”
  • And she is unapologetic for who she is and what she does

Futility Closet

Futility Closet's Patreon Page
Futility Closet have kept their intro short and to the point – but this works for them

Why is it Good?

  • It’s highly personal
  • They let you know what Patreon is
  • They tell you how often they publish – setting your expectation
  • They tell you how it works
  • They seem genuinely appreciative for your support
  • They explain why they need financial support
  • And best of all, it’s short and to the point

These examples have hopefully given you some major inspiration for your own About section.

Over to You…

What have you seen that you really like with these Patreon pages? Is there anything you are going to add to your own based on these examples?

Or, are there any other great examples you would like to add to this list? (I bet there are!)

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